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Rose Day Whatsapp DP Images and Status


Rose Day is Special Day for all Lovers , all lovers greet each other with beautiful roses. However, youngsters today combine roses with sweet delicacies and greeting cards to show their feelings of eternal love. Many of them send rose day messages on their partner’s mobile phones in order to greet them.Now Days Social Media is Most Popular so everyone wants to share there Feelings through Social Media Sites and App, so we Provide you best Collection Of ROSE DAY whatsapp DP Images, status, Quotes for Impressing your Girlfriends, Boyfriends, Wife, Husband and Friends.

Rose Day Whatsapp DP Images for Impressing girlfriends


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Happy Rose Day Whatsapp Quotes and Status 
Roses exclusively for a nice person… ‘YOU‘ From a simple person… ‘ME‘ Keep roses until they dry… Keep my relation until I die… Happy Rose Day.

Can You Imagine The World Without Roses?
It Wont Be The Same Because
An Important Part Of Its Beauty Will Be Lacking
That Is What My Life Would Be Without You
Happy Rose Day.

My love is like a rose divided into two, the leaves I give to others, but the rose I give to you.

"If love were what the rose is,And I were like the leaf, Our love would grow together,In sad or sighing weather."

"A rose is a symbol of my love for you. Its petals shine in beauty, its thorn show its pain."

"Long live the rose that grew from the concrete when no one else ever cared."

"Love is like a rose. When pressed between two lifetimes, it will last forever."

"Friends are the roses of life... pick them carefully and avoid the thorns!"

The Red color shows that I love you.I promise I'll give you hundreds of roses each day.Inspite of it I can't express my love for you.I love you so much dear Wish you a very happy rose day....

Ek Rose @>-- Un Dosto K Liye Jo Milte Nahi Roj Roj Magar Yaad Aate Hai Roj Roj.. 
Happy Rose Day

Rose is red,Sun is bright,Moon is cool and I want to gift you all these Happy Rose Day!!!!!!!!
